Every Fall, our clients begin to promote Game Day—which signifies that football season has arrived. Football season kicks off in September and ends with championship games in January or February, so that's several months of opportunity to serve up crowd-pleasing recipes featuring a client's product. Over the years we've created lots of Game Day recipes—from dips, pizzas and sandwiches to cookies, brownies, cocktails and more. We keep a stash of Game Day props on hand to add football atmosphere which give clients an extra shot—a regular version and a football-themed one. So, even if a client hasn't requested a themed version, we'll often suggest capturing that themed version if the recipe seems like great Game Day fare.

Here's one of our favorites: melty and delicious Game Day Sliders with roast beef, cheddar cheese and crispy French fried onions. This recipe lives on the Yellow Tail website: https://www.yellowtailwine.com/us/recipe/pull-apart-roast-beef-cheddar-sliders/